
Extensions and Enrichment

Extensions and Enrichment

1. From some perspectives an urban heat island may be a positive thing. For example, people who sell air conditioners have more business. Landscaping companies have more work as people plant trees to try to reduce the negative effects of the heat island.

Have students identify, list and give reasons for negative and positive aspects of an urban heat island. Also they could develop the idea of multiple perspectives on urban heat islands and loss of urban forests. For example, each of the following may have a different perspective: a landscaper, an environmentalist, an owner of an asphalt company, an owner of a roofing company, a building materials supplier, air conditioner salesperson, a scientist who studies the problems involved with heat islands. Students may visit the web sites below to expand their knowledge of urban heat islands and how people in different organizations study them.


2. Use the Extension Log to allow students practice in calculation while reinforcing information related to the investigation. Students may use the unit converter to assist in making the calculations.

Unit Converter: Online conversion of English and metric units

Extension Log Answer Key

1. 360š
2. 107, 637.76
3. 259
4. 100 hectares
5. 3279 feet
6. 5280 x 5280
7. 27,878,400 square feet
8. 594 square miles
9. 48.9%
10. 8.86 times
11. Answers will vary by location
12. 55.89 miles per hour
13. Answers will vary


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