
Module 4: Remote sensing and geoarchaeology - How do remotely sensed images help us to understand past cultures?

This module explores ways geographers and geoarchaeologists use remote sensing to uncover previously undiscovered sites of human occupation. Photographs have long been used by geoarchaeologists to document sites before, during, and after excavation. In the early 1980s, remote sensing became a tool used to detect human features on the contemporary landscape. These skills were applied to see ancient landscapes as well. Students apply remote sensing and map skills to study ancient and prehistoric sites.

Remote sensing is the use of sensors that detect electromagnetic radiation to record images of an environment. The sensors, attached to airplanes, satellites, and other Earth-orbiting objects, collect data to create images of human and physical features. Some wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation penetrate clouds, smoke, and vegetation allowing detection of features and patterns that could otherwise not be seen.

Investigation 1
How does remote sensing help us understand the Anasazi?

Investigation 2
How do geoarchaeologists use remote sensing to interpret landscapes?

Investigation 3
How does remote sensing search for the geographies of the past?

5-8 Module 1 | 5-8 Module 2 | 5-8 Module 3 | 5-8 Module 4 |

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