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Note: The modules are arranged by grade level as PDF files.
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Grade K-4 Modules | Grade 5-8 Modules | Grade 9-12 Modules

You are invited to download the Mission Geography modules. Each full module investigation is available below as a PDF file.Answers to questions, educator background, and additional information is included in the full version. Also available for download is a student-only version of each investigation. In this "lite" version students do not have access to answers or educator-oriented materials.

Blank outline maps are available to support work with Mission Geography investigations from the Arizona Geographic Alliance. Click on MAPS at

Copies of the CD-ROM Mission Geography with all modules and support materials are available from .

Grade K-4 Modules

Module 1: Exploring our planet from above

Module 2: Water, water, almost everywhere

Module 3: Where on Earth do humans live?

Module 4.: Paths

Module 1: Volcanoes--Local hazard, global issue?

Module 2: Mars and Earth: The quest for life

Module 3: Human footprints on Earth as seen by NASA scientists

Module 4: Remote Sensing and Geo-Archaeology

Module 1: Whatis up with Earth's water resources?

Module 2: Where will your next meal come from: Inquiries about food, people, and earth

Module 3: What are the causes and consequences of climate change?

revised 5/26/02